Free topic: What I want to be/do

This topic I think is so difficult for some people that can't find a lifestyle, a way to go in their life.
Until I was 15 years old I knew what I wanted to be in my life, but seriously at this moment, I don't find what really I want to be. I want to be a very popular person?, I want to be a millionaire?, I want to be a normal person that only follows a daily routine? I don't think so, I know that I want to be happy and do what I want when I want. Sometimes I think that I'm going to be a hero, other times I think I'm going to be a beggar who lives in the mountains, sometimes I think that I'm going to be a person that doesn't care about anything, just about me and being happy. I'm ever thinking all these things because the world that we are living I think it's in a risk to be destroyed by us. When I see the news and see that people are running out of their country because some of the same people are doing things in a bad way, or countries send messages threatening other countries because they have more "power" than others, when people lose their humanity when they are talking about politics, when we see in a world that is more important the money than the world for itself, when I see this things (and much more) I feel disgusted of this society, and I start to think about what to do, can we truly do anything to change this? the people want to change but we are too comfortable at the place that we took in this society?. Truly I don't know to think about the future, and we need to think about this because is the future of our home, the future of other generations, what can they wait from us?


  1. it freaks me out how people lose their humanity abnd they're not alone in that... I mean, convence people to go to a war cause they want to be powerfull????? creazy and sick... we should work in the future as you say

  2. Personally, In my little world I do what I like and caring about not loosing my essence

  3. It sounds so interesting!!! you can be whatever you want in this life


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