
Well, my favorites subjetcs at school were Biology, Maths, History and Sports, but the most subject that I enjoyed was Biology.

I really enjoyed Biology because this subject was the most complete (thanks to my teacher) at my school. Ms Claudia Baeza was the most respected teacher at my school for me and my schoolmates, and the biology notebook needed to be perfect for her so the classes at that subject were very silent (sometimes she joked at the class and that was the moment that we could were relaxed) and all of my classmates were writing on their own notebooks, very attentive to the class.
When we were at breaks, we often draw things at classmate notebooks (things like all we know) or got out the papers of the notebook of any subject that we could found in that moment. And for that we had rules: papers of math, history, languages, chemistry or any other subject that wasn't Biology were equal. But if you got out from the notebook a paper that was of Biology, it was equal to 3 papers of any other subject.
Anyways, I really liked Biology because I learnt so much about.. biology hahhaha. I liked to learn about the cells in our body, and the functions of the nervous system. Meeting the nerve cells was my favorite part of the subject. At the present, I have a CFG that's called "mind, brain and education", isn't relationated with Architecture but I thought that was very interesting (It is) and I wanted to remind the biology subject like was at school.

Resultado de imagen para neuronas


  1. I founded so nice that you teacher Claudia make such an influence for you, and its amazing that even if you're studying architecture, you are into biollogy! really cool


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